Sunday 23 August 2009

Another Pre-Flight Update

Oh!, what a week it's been! Wednesday was a bit of a shambles, as I sadly Failed my test (too eager at a junction), and the Thursday was hectic with preparations for Friday (When I got mightily drunk), and Saturday (All-day hangover). Today was also mad, with last-minute visa applications, packing, more packing and running around trying to find stuff (for packing). I would also like to use this blog to thank My good friend Maggie for the wonderful cake which she baked for my 18th (It was shaped like a highland glen, to remind me of home), and also to than all that came to my party and for all of the lovely presents, especially the watch with the saltire from Linda, Alan, Stevie and Alannah (A.K.A Loony). This blog is also to say farewell to all befor I head off on my big adventure, I will miss all of you, and will be thinking of you, always. I would also like to apologise for any typos, as I've been out with my parents for a lovely curry, and I had a few (I'm sitting drinking one as I type). This will bge the last post before Hong Kong.


  1. Bon voyage, Fraser. Keep us posted as to your progress!

  2. Hey Fraser, What a week indeed ;-) Hope your flights all went well and we are all ready waiting for your next update... Have a blast you are soooo lucky ...

    Love Cheryl X

  3. Hi Fraser
    Got you blog site from John. Thankfully they didn't keep you isolated in Hong Kong. You'll be feeling pretty tired. Planning a wee celebration for you on the 9th Oct. Keep well and keep safe.
    Love lisa, Nigel and Aaron

  4. Hi Fraser Auntie Julie here loved your story of your arrival in Hong Kong I have not laughed so much in ages at least you know where Kowloon is now thats were we stayed. Look forward to your next update. Have a good time but look after yourself please.
