Saturday 29 August 2009

Day Four - Tiredness, Red Bull and Squash

Ok, so for a recap, when I left the last blog it was about 4am and we'd arrived at an internet cafe. We stayed there until well after 7 am, and then decided to go to our respective accommodation to freshen up before re-convining for breakfast (guess where). When we had had breakfast, we got some red bull and headed back to the internet cafe, and that is where we stayed for several hours, with me finally emerging about 4pm for some food, and to get some swimming clothes and more Red Bull (Ok, I know it's boring, but we were tired from being up all night and trying to beat jet lag, live with it!). When I went for food, I was considering McDonalds, but decided to refrain, so I went into pizza hut (just to look and see what there was). Bad idea when tired. When I reached the restaurant (it was downstairs, in the basement) I was quickly whisked to a table, and befor I could protest some free water appeared. Drat! I had just fallen into there trap, now I had to order something! I that vain, I examined the menu and decided to go for the less expensive but slightly interesting option. What was simply described as chocolate pizza. That was probably not the best decision, as the chocolate pizza contained not only chocolate, but also cheese. I'm not kidding, but since it cost me HK$30, I had to eat it. I ate as quickly as possible, and then got out as quick as I could. When I was finally free from their trap, and feeling a bit less well, I headed back to the safety of the cafe. There I satyed for a couple more hours, just while George got his week's work finished, and we headed out to the swimming pool. When we arrived, we discovered thet we would have to wait an hour and a half before the next session of swimming would begin, so we searched for something to do in the meantime, and we found that squash was available. Imagine this. Two very tired guys trying to play squash in bare feet. Jollity prevailed, as did much laughter. We then headed for the pool, and were told that only the outside pool was open. I'm glad, because the outside pools were brilliant, with some waterfalls, and heated water. It actually managed to keep us awake for the next couple of hours, and then we decided to call it a night (at 8pm, how boring!), so that's it for this blog, stay tuned!

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