Sunday 16 August 2009

Only 8 Days To Go...

This is the first of what I hope will be many posts on this site. Here's the story so far...
for almost a year now I have been planning my gap year, a trip around the world. The plan really got off the ground this February, when I got accepted with deferred entry into Edinburgh Uni. That's when things started to happen, and the trip of a lifetime began to take shape. The route of my trip is as follows...
Edinburgh-London-Hong Kong-Singapore-Sydney-New Zealand-Honolulu-Dallas-Tornto-London-Edinburgh. I will be setting off just over a week, on the 24th of August, and I have decided to keep this blog so that I have a record of my trip for years to come.
So far, most of my plans have been made, and I have organised Tickets, Hostels, and an Australian Visa, but I am still missing a New Zealand Visa (which I can't get until I'm 18, and I don't turn 18 until the 21st of August), and a Driving License (my test is on Wednesday). There is one good point so far, though. I finished up at work yesterday! Woo Hoo!

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